Connect Amazon Alexa to Your Venstar Thermostats

Step 1

Select “Skills & Games” in the menu of the Amazon Alexa App

Step 2

Search for “Venstar”

Step 3

Press the “ENABLE TO USE” button

Step 4

Login with your Skyport username and password

Step 5

Authorize "Amazon Alexa Smart Home" to access your Skyport account

Step 6

Once your account is linked, press the “X” at the top right

Step 7

Click on "Discover Devices" to add your Skyport thermostats to Amazon Alexa

Voice Commands

Setting your thermostat to a specific temperature:

  • Alexa, set my (thermostat name) to (75) degrees
  • Alexa, set (thermostat name) temperature to (75)
  • Alexa, set (thermostat name) to (75)
  • Alexa, set my (thermostat name) to (75)

You can also use phrases like:

  • Alexa, raise temperature to...
  • Alexa, change temperature to...
  • Alexa, turn temperature to...

and Alexa will ask you which thermostat to change. Simply respond with the thermostat's name.

Changing the temperature of your thermostats:

  • Alexa, (raise or lower) the (thermostat name) by (3) degrees
  • Alexa, (raise or lower) the (thermostat name) temperature by (7) degrees
  • Alexa, decrease the (thermostat name) temperature by (4) degrees
  • Alexa, increase the (thermostat name) temperature by (6) degrees

Alexa can also raise or lower the temperature without a specific degree amount. When using these commands, the temperature will change by 2 degrees:

  • Alexa, heat my (thermostat name)
  • Alexa, increase the (thermostat name) temperature
  • Alexa, heat up (thermostat name)
  • Alexa, lower the (thermostat name) temperature
  • Alexa, cool down (thermostat name)
  • Alexa, make (thermostat name) colder

TIP! Alexa will ask you which thermostat to change if you don't include the name in the initial command. Simply respond with the thermostat's name.


  • Currently, the Alexa system does not allow for changing a thermostat's mode.
  • It is recommended to operate the thermostat in COOL or HEAT mode.
  • The thermostat must first be named before use with the Alexa system. This is most easily done via Skyport. Thermostat names such as "Bedroom" or "Office" that use common words are recommended over names such as "Conf Room" or "Bill & Linda".